Medicinal plants and trees for use in magick – beginner’s guide

18,00 $ exc. VAT


In this course I present 12 medicinal trees and plants. Plants and trees can be used in spells to enhance spells and to achieve the desired results faster.

For example, plants and trees are used in healing spells. Dried leaves, buds and acorns can be stored at home during many years.

There is no “best before” date for dried leaves, buds and acorns. You can use them in your spells during 10 years.

You can cook dried leaves and prepare a pain relieving solution to treat a particular body part that hurts.

Who will benefit from this course? The beginner student and the advanced student of witchcraft, and also the busy person.

How to purchase my courses and how to attend my online school? Please check out this Guide.



The student will be reading information about 12 medicinal trees and plants.

Maybe, you are never ill. But you may need this knowledge about medicinal trees and plants some day.

I suggest that you take notes in your Book of Shadows. Even if a particular tree or plant does not grow in your country, with some search effort, you can purchase dried leaves,  and buds from other people.

Who will benefit from this course? The beginner and even the advanced student of witchcraft, and also the busy person.

How to purchase my courses and how to attend my online school? Please check out this Guide.